Demonstration classes day 2

 Today as usual  my day at MTTC  began  with the morning  prayer  at the chapel , later on we moved to our class as that of yesterday  today was also the continuation  of demonstration  classes  by our seniors. The classes  were so innovative  and informative  that we got a chance to understand  what all as a teacher we should keep  in mind while  teaching our students. It continued  till  12 :30 pm

      After the lunch break  we all headed to seminar hall where our new librian  introduced  us the ways and opportunities  to use our library  more effectively, it was a nice experience.

      Next our Beloved  Principal  sir  and Bindhu  Ma'am  came in and told us that we are going to start our induction  programme and Sir gave us instructions  about what to do while we are at induction work and further Ma'am  explained to us some more details about it and also read out the schools alloted to each one of us . 

 As of this is the first Friday we had holy mass.    Thus as usual  a day at MTTC  ended  on a happy  and thoughtful  notes.



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