Today  was the day 1 of my internship  training session  , I along with 11 other friends of different  optional and two from mine was allotted  Pattom  Govt  Girls  Higher Secondary  School  . We reported  at the main gate by around 8.45am , the school timing  starts from 9.30am firstly  we all went to Head misters room and reported  there and marked our attendance  then we moved on to the new block of Higher  Secondary  section ,there we were alloted a room along with other teacher trainees from different  college . 

         My class was alloted during  the 3rd hour from 11.00 to 11.45, my first class was at standard 8th the section  alloted to me was 8-E , the topic which I began today was that of the history  portion  " Towards the Gangetic Plains" before the class  began I was introduced  to the students  by their  teacher  itself and afterwards  I began my class with an informal  talk and  further  on proceeding   I divided the class into 4 small groups and allotted them names of rivers  and as the class moved forward , I completed out with my first lesson plan . The overall experience  was I was bit nervous  at the beginning  but as the class  proceeded  find out my students are of friendly nature and very good behaved so didn't  get much stressed , in between after my class around 12.30pm we too had got opportunity  to attend a meeting  conducted  by the school on the topic empowering the women .My class according to my view was good as I had tried to do full justice  to my work . We left the school around 3. 20 pm 


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