Today our day at MTTC began with the assembly conducted by first year M Ed students , as usual it started with the prayer , followed by pledge , thought for the day , news , and finally campus news (which was really enjoyable and funny too) .After the usual procedures of the morning assembly , a senior chettan from the M Ed association formally invited our beloved Principal Sir to inaugurate their association name it was "AGNI" 2021. After that our Principal sir gave us a thought provoking speech about the Bamboos as if of a continuation of the thought of the day . Nextly along with Regu Sir and Ancy Miss sir published a book too. After that we sang the college anthem and national anthem and we dispersed to our classes . Fir...
Today the first hour was handled by Joju sir , the class began with a silent prayer and sir started with thanks giving to college union for the video of yesterday (teachers day special ) and sir do also explained how and what a teacher should be ,then we moved with the discussion of our seminar topics to be presented and sir gave us instructions how and what should be added in our presentation and do also sir guided us to how to presented the seminar and some important points to be added while preparing for the seminar which we should kept in mind. After that sir taught us about the current evaluation process and suggested us to share our opinions about the current system and do also asked us to suggest some measures which we taught to be improved. Next hour was that of Maya Miss , Miss continued with the class about Buddhism, In today's class we learnt the Methods of Teaching which Buddhism adopted and do also learned what was the Cause of Decline of Buddh...
Today as usual our day at MTTC began with a morning prayer at chapel,after that we all went for our yoga session. After the yoga session was over,our seniors took us demonstration classes in which they showed and teached us how to take a class and what a teacher should be and how should we teach our students . It continued till 12 : 30 pm. After the lunch break we had Maya Ma'am class in which as usual all were at sleepy mood , but Ma'am through her innovative ideas like make us repeat some tounge twister and other funny activities drove our sleepness to some far away land and from our eyes and we all felt much refreshed and we proceeded to study the aims of education in pragmatic approach. After Maya Ma'am hour we all proceeded to the auditorium for the science day programme (RAMAFI 2K21) it was a super and i...
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